Sundays 10 AM & 6 PM

American Gods

Nov 19, 2023    Jeremy Jones

Did you know that there is a false god of the Egyptians represented in many of the plagues that GOD poured out in Egypt? The false god heqet was depicted to have the head of a frog. What did GOD do when he wanted to deliver his people? He sent a plague of frogs. The culture of that day worshiped a sun god Ra. So the one true GOD caused darkness to fall on the land supernaturally. Each of these were representing that the GOD of Israel was more powerful than all of the Egyptian gods put together. The GOD of Israel is stirring his people for deliverance. He is about to raise up a witness of his power to this nation. If the American church is ever going to arise from the ashes. It will first have to deal with its false gods.